Frequently asked questions
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Can I have my IV hydration in my home?
The Vascular Access Plus Infusion Center can provide services in the home if special arrangements are made in advance. You can reach out to us directly at 855-742-2827 option 1 or email us at
Do you provide Home Health services for IV therapy?
Yes, Vascular Access Plus has a special license by the state of Nebraska to be a Home Health Agency. Our Home Health patients needs some form of IV infusion therapy. Orders come directly from your provider and your insurance is billed for the nursing services as well as the medications provided by your pharmacy. Private Pay options are available to patients and caregivers for the nursing services provided.
If I come to the Infusion Center for IV hydration, can you bill my insurance company?
The Vascular Access Plus Infusion Center does not bill or accept insurance for its services. You pay in advance with credit card, debit card, or a health savings account can be used.
Do IV fluids work faster than drinking water?
IV fluids work faster because they enter your bloodstream directly meaning the effects of hydration begin immediately, so you fell better faster than when you simply drink a cup of water.
How important is it to have a blood return?
You must have a blood return in any central line to be able to give IV medications or you risk infiltration or extravasation of the medication that can cause harm to the patient. Cathflo/Activase is an approved medication through the FDA to give through the central line to establish a blood return when needed. Check a blood return prior to every infusion. If there is no blood return contact your provider or you will have an increased risk of infection.
How long does IV Hydration work??
In our infusion Center, you register ahead of time so the IV medications you will be received are already. Once your IV is started the medication will drip in over about 30-45 minutes.
How much IV fluid should I receive if I am dehydrated?
If you feel you are truly dehydrated, you need to reach out to your care provider to rule out the cause of the dehydration. Severely dehydrated patients can have as much as a 10% fluid deficit.
Why are vitamins and antioxidants important?
All our bodies need a consistent number of vitamins and minerals to promote homeostasis and optimal health. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to acute or chronic conditions. Antioxidants are an essential part of maintaining a healthy immune system, detoxifying your body, and removing free radicals that can contribute to cellular damage as well as playing a part in your energy level.
Is there such a thing as a STAT PICC Line?
There should never be such a thing as a STAT PICC line…. However, there is an urgency for patient to have secure IV access. As healthcare providers, it is our job to determine the appropriate type of vascular access to initiate the infusion therapy and eliminate a delay. Depending on the medical history and reason for admission, a PICC line may be the best option.
Advocate for yourself, your loved ones, and your patients to make sure the right type of vascular access is used to provide the infusion therapy and eliminate a delay.
Is your Center open on the weekends or after work?
We are here to meet your needs. You register in advance. We are not open 24/7 but special requests can be made if you are having trouble getting the right day or time to work to 855-742-2827 option 1.
Advocate for yourself, your loved ones, and your patients to make sure the right type of vascular access is used to provide the infusion therapy and eliminate a delay.
Should athletes receive IV hydration?
Prevention and treatment of dehydration and exercise associated muscle cramps is important to the competitive athlete so there is not a decline in their athletic performance. IV prehydration and rehydration has been proposed as an ergogenic aid to achieve euhydration more effectively and efficiently.
What is ECG technology?
ECG technology is on the stylet that in threaded through the PICC line on insertion. As the PICC tip passes into the lower part of the Superior Vena Cava you will see a spike in the p-wave and will reach max P-Wave. As the PICC tip passes past the Cavo-Atrial Junction you will note a deflection prior to the p-wave. The PICC tip is then pulled back until the deflection disappears. The images is printed and placed in the patient’s chart stating PICC tip was confirmed in the SVC by ECG technology.
What is a Midline?
A Midline is placed with ultrasound guidance in the upper arm and threaded so the tip ends prior to the mid axillary branch or if placed in the forearm the tip ends prior to the antecubital or bend of your arm. REMEMBER a Midline cannot be used for all types of IV medications and you will not always be able to draw blood work from a Midline.
What is a PICC line?
A PICC line stands for a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. A PICC line is defined as a long IV that is inserted with ultrasound guidance in the upper arm and threaded to the superior vena cava, a large vessel by the heart, where the tip of the PICC line ends in your central circulation. The PICC line does not go into your heart or harm it in anyway. You may also have your blood drawn through the PICC line to eliminate further needle pokes during the duration of the infusion therapy.
What is the difference between a port and a PICC Line?
A port and a PICC line are both types of central lines because the tip of both lines is located in the superior vena cava (SVC). A port is under the skin and you need a needle to poke through the skin the access the port. A benefit to a port is that you can shower when there is not needle in the port and not worry about an infection since it is under the skin but it needs to be placed by a specialized MD. A PICC line will have a catheter lumen (s) outside of the skin like a small IV so you can connect to the needed IV medications. There is a risk of infection when you shower so you must keep this covered and dry at all times. A nurse can place your PICC line at the bedside. You can draw blood from a PICC line or a Port for lab work.
Why does it matter what type of vascular access device my patient has?
It is important that the right device is placed in your patient for the IV therapy ordered. Choosing the right device involves looking at the type of drug ordered, the duration of therapy of that drug, the availability of the vessels seen on ultrasound, and the medical/surgical/vascular access history of that patient. Choosing the right device will decrease the risk of infection, infiltration and extravasation and prevent a delay in IV therapy.
Why can't diabetics have the dexamethasone as part of their Infusion in the Infusion Center?
Diabetics have trouble controlling their blood sugar. Steroids, like dexamethasone, can cause a spike in blood sugar levels by making the liver resistant to insulin. Usually once you are no longer taking steroids the blood sugars can easily be controlled. Vascular Access Plus does not provide steroid infusion options to diabetics or prediabetics without an order from their provider.
Will it hurt when I get an IV started?
We cannot eliminate your pain, but we can minimize it. Our nurses are all experienced in starting an IV. Each nurse has a 2-stick limit when sticking a patient as well as Vascular Access Specialist on call as resources for troubleshooting and skills with ultrasound guidance for starting the IV 24/7.

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